Author Archives: Heidi Phelps

Day 4 – July 8

Well, we dod start by 6:30. Today is a driving day. Driving days rarely bring adventures. However, they are the days when we rest, read, and see the earth change before our eyes. Sunshine slipped Scoobie Doo into the shopping cart on a supply run, so There was that, too. Our way took us through […]

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Day 6 – July 10

We stayed at a hotel last night. There are three reasons for this. First, we got in late at night and didn’t want to find a campsite. Second, there was a dust storm that made it hard to breathe. Third, a severe thunder storm and tornado watch followed the dust storm, and while fewer mouths […]

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Day 5 – July 9

Ft. Collins to North Platte – In which we drive in a day what the pioneers traversed in a month. But first, this is Prometheus Tullius. Or Poseidon. Titan? Maybe Titan. Whatever his name, he is worthy of it. Titan Tullius is a lovely creature. I am not sure that I have encountered a bearded […]

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Day 3 – July 7th

Some people go on nice vacations with their nice, clean children who swim in nice, clean pools, wear nice, clean shoes, don’t bring arrows with them to nice restaurants, and whose lifelong dreams do not include running across a salt flat. We, on the other hand, do not. It’s a rowdy bunch we haul along […]

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Day 2 – July 6th

Warm sun on red cliffs, and not another soul in sight, means we are certainly not in California any more. We broke camp quickly so that we could explore a bit before heading further East. Dispersed camping is a favorite with us. When your family rejects the “civilized kids” paradigm and all the rules that […]

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Day 1, July 5th

One ought never hope for perfectly executed plans, as there is so much more room for perfection in the unplanned. And so our road trip began, with perfect planning, all in order, and smooth execution. Well, except for the smooth execution part. See, I carefully packed away all of our road trip things two years […]

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Dear “that mom” whose kid screamed, “I wish I lived with my birth mom!”

I understand what you are going through. I’ve be on the receiving end of those words. Ok, actually we have dealt with this for 13 years, and I have some experiences with this that may help. This is long, but I feel like it might be helpful. So, I may have a less popular approach […]

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You won’t fail. You for sure won’t fail.

I was talking to my mom last night, and it came up in conversation that of her college educable children, 100% of her children have at least two years of college education, and half have beyond a master’s degree, and one a PhD. 75% have above-average income, and 100% have avoided long-term poverty. I have […]

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So it’s come to this

This is the 5th day that Popi and Miss Bunny and Grandaddy are out of the state on a business trip, day 5 of cancelled extracurriculars, day 5 of realizing that my psychotherapy sessions (AKA dance classes) have been cancelled, and day 5 of snow. Is there even a virus happening, because none of the […]

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Day 3: It’s really not that bad, is it?

Today I am going to post several of our favorite free and not-free resources for homeschool. But first this: we took today off. Not only are we on day 3 of nothing-is-really-different-except-mom-figured-out-that-she-has-31-extra-hours-in-the-week-now-that-everything-is-cancelled, we are on day 3 of Pops and Miss Bunny gone to Phoenix on a business trip, and we are on day 3 […]

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