Mr. Bug

Just a little bit of fun stuff in all of this.

First of all, Mr. Bug has been sedated and paralyzed for weeks now, but the paralyzing agent has started to wear off. He is still sleeping with the sedation, but now he twitches and tries to pull away from the nurses when they stick things down his nose. But what really killed me today is when I held his hand, he squeezed back! I know it is all reflex or some kind of unconscious reaction, but it was really exciting none the less.

Second, I talked to the ICU doctor and this particular doctor was pretty optimistic. This doesn’t mean anything, because there are other ICU doctors who are not optimistic at all, but talking to a doctor who has a positive outlook with respect to Mr. Bug is very good for the family morale.

Third, Mr. Bug’s liver transplant coordinator (aka our angel) came to visit while I was at the hospital, and we talked a little about Mr. Bug’s liver. His liver looks GREAT! I keep wondering how unusual this is, particularly with a kid who has had a liver transplant, and our angel said, emphatically, “This is VERY unusual. We were certain he would be rejecting by now.” Keep in mind, if his liver rejects, he will certainly die. However, the liver team is elated that their organ, the organ that should be the most at risk through this, is cooperating! So they are all upbeat, and hanging with the liver homies has become a source of happiness in all of this! They hang out in his room we chat for an hour, we talk about life, and we forget how sick Mr. Bug is for just a few minutes.

Finally, Mr. Bug’s white blood cells went from 700 to 1400 in one day. Now, he needs them to be at 4500 to be considered normal, but the fact that they are going up is AWESOME!!!

So let’s take note of what has improved: We needed the lungs to improve, and they are. We needed the white blood cells to improve, and they have. We need those kidneys to improve, and, well, they have not. 2 out of 3 is pretty good, though! He still needs to improve a LOT more, but we are steadily moving in the right direction! Praise the Lord for a little bit of encouragement!!!  🙂 🙂 🙂

Categories: Mr. Bug

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