Road trip 2019 days 11-12: Boston and roughing it

Two days to enjoy both this forest and Boston. Best to begin with a fairy forest photo shoot. Except we didn’t have fairy costumes.

This forest bursts with natural art. The greens are bright and varied. Several bright red mushrooms peeked out from the leaves. Even the trees seemed to fall in ordered beauty.

Our hike took us past several ponds. We generally have to swim in every pond we come across, but there was a black rat snake blocking our path, so the kids thought better of that idea.

And as long as we are playing costume-less forest flower fairies, looks like Oberon and Titania showed up.

They look tired. Really tired. Maybe that’s why they didn’t bother getting all costumed up.

Well, the kids did find their pond in the end. This forest has winding roads throughout, and down the main road is a convenient place to swim, and it seems that the snakes aren’t as outgoing over there. Nobody got their toes nibbled while swimming.

There is rain, and more rain, and more rain predicted. But it is warm, so a little bit of soaking and wet bedding isn’t the worst we could experience.

So once again we find that if you camp just a little farther than hotels from the main attraction, you get a double vacation: one in the wilderness, and one in the city.

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