Summer road trip 2019 days 18-19: It’s not always flesh-eating bacteria.

Driving days: two days of driving brought us from Parsippany, New Jersey, through Pennsylvania, ohio, Indiana, up through Chicago, then on through Wisconsin, across the Mississippi River to our hotel in Winona, Minnesota. So lots of phone calls with Popi and unicorn games.But we cannot just drive like normal people. Yesterday I noticed that some of Bunny’s mosquito bites were looking icky. They were like eczema or flesh-eating bacteria. I was pretty sure my baby would die. We found an urgent care, and the very nice nurse practitioner took one look at her and proclaimed that she has ring worm. Excuse me? That is disgusting. So off to pharmacy for tea tree oil and anti fungal cream. I found the cutest little USB diffuser for the car. 6 people in a car smells like the city dump in a heat wave. Oils to the rescue, no matter how much oil dealers hate me for using them that way. We drove straight through, stopping only to eat and take a few naps. Even the stuffies were made little swinging beds. This hotel’s promise of sleep is so welcomed! But first, the girls set up their bed.

Then swimming. And then chasing off drunk men who were catcalling and harassing Miss Magpie. The kids were quite offended by these men, and Bunny marched behind me, nose in the air, to inform the bar manager that there was a pedophile in their establishment. Back at the room, Lion had the patio door barricaded, and he set out weapons, just in case: shampoo bombs and hanger boomerangs. . These kids know how to protect one another! Kind of.

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