Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug April 29

It has been a very slow week for Mr. Bug. A few fun things have happened, though. First, they have continued to be very aggressive in decreasing both the ventilator settings and the paralyzing drugs, and over the past day or so Mr. Bug has been taking breaths on his own. The reason this is […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Just a little bit of fun stuff in all of this. First of all, Mr. Bug has been sedated and paralyzed for weeks now, but the paralyzing agent has started to wear off. He is still sleeping with the sedation, but now he twitches and tries to pull away from the nurses when they stick […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug April 24

My mom brought me a bouquet of sweet peas a few days ago and my house smells like April. It is, of course, the best month of the year. Not only was I born this month, my oldest son was born this month, I was married in this month, my Opa and my Grandpa Taylor […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Today we all went to see Mr. Bug after church. I took Sunshine in with me while everyone else waited, and she was very happy to see her brother. On the way in she kept asking if we were going to take Mr. Bug home with us today, and I don’t think she really understood […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

The doctors are looking a little grim these days. It seems that the improvements of last week were pretty much erased by Mr. Bug’s failures over the past few days. Today he is a little better than yesterday, and they are trying to help him tolerate lower ventilator settings again, but his blood pressure and […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Well, I guess we can’t have all sunshiney days, can we? Mr. Bug took a pretty big step backward today and ended up at the end of today with more intervention than he was on even a week ago. This is NOT good news! The only ray of light is that he was already so […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Today is the first day of week 3 for this hospital stay. Two weeks ago today, I became overly concerned about Matthew’s breathing, decided it was NOT a side effect of the iron infusion, and headed down to Children’s with all my babies. We thought it would be a pretty straightforward visit. One week ago […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Not much new info on Mr. Bug. Today his ventilator settings were decreased, and he tolerated this fine. The goal is to wean him off what is called forced air ventilation (I think) and on to what is called volume ventilation. The forced air ventilation forces air into his lungs and breathes for him. The problem […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

Not many new things are happening today.  The incredibly cheery infectious disease team has decided that the antifungals have been so effective that they can change them to less invasive drugs, and Mr. Bug’s kidneys will hopefully respond with some function. They explained that with kids like Mr. Bug with short gut, they can’t give […]

Categories: Mr. Bug

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